Your direct access to doctors

We connect our industry partners with service providers via the leading training platform for doctors in Switzerland

Your direct access to doctors

Benefit from the largest doctor network in Switzerland and market product videos, studies or training courses/events with over 17,500 registered doctors from 38 specialist areas

The all-in-one platform for medical trainings and symposiums

Event Management

Automise your registration management process with MEDupp and offer your participants uncomplicated, web-based access to your training courses, studies and advisory boards.

Community Building

Increase the number of viewers for your events via our Switzerland-wide network of doctors and build a sustainable doctor community where your content is available on a long-term.


The independent MEDupp platform offers you the innovative targeting tools with which you can place your content even more effectively across the specialist target group.

Tools and Analytics

Receive detailed statistics for your events and videos in real time. Use MEDupp features such as streaming, videos on demand, live chat, digital confirmation of participation, sponsored content and more to offer your viewers a professional experience and to generate wider reach.

Your branded world on MEDupp

Whether it's training courses, webinars, symposiums, studies, advisory boards or product videos, the independent MEDupp platform gives you the opportunity to position your branded content and to precisely target the appropriate specialist group.

Leading institutions are partnering with MEDupp

Current Numbers


Active doctors
(from 39'000 registriered doctors
in Switzerland)


within the target group


Symposiums and doctor
training courses


Videos on Demand

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to start with MEDupp? Simply enter your E-mail address and join the community.

Have questions? Contact us in the LIVE CHAT